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***1st Quarter Tournament of Champions***
***1st Quarter Tournament of Champions*** Posted by MAB (moderator) Apr 3 2023 10:06PM New schedule for TOC folks. FOR ONLY JANUARY, FEBRUARY & MARCH TOURNAMENT WINNERS. TOURNEY OF CHAMPS WILL BE A D/E 100 - LOSER DEALS FOR 10 TIX ENTRY, AND IS SCHEDULED FOR Apr 6th AT 9PM. In order to play in this tourney, where the CHAMPION will win an extra 40 tix for first place and 20 tix for second place from the Webmasters in addition to the regular payout, you must have taken 1st OR 2nd place in a tournament during the month of JANUARY, FEBRUARY OR MARCH 2023. To be held at 9PM on April 6th. If you changed your name, it must be changed back to match your player name on the list below 1st Quarter 2023 22cookie Adian Alextown29 B500B B_Russell Bear_699 Bethany1 Blazers bpgator Cagney cantholdme23 CardLover4Ever ChrisCrossed championgin1 cowboyca Crenshaw3282 Diaphg Dreal ellaphara eliot74 Emma5 Everyones500 Fairlyoddmother Fluffinator force23 FriendlyTurnip froggyp ginchump gmanning GoDiva Goldeneagle2D Greenginger Hgears HIGAME iHeartTurtles Ica_23 IRaBaboon Jaejaecha Juliana76 K9vinMc75 KennyK11 lateforlunch l12348w loooony lovemylook MAB mhtourny MiloCase Mstweety6 ninety4 Odin2 Okstatefan ottsky Papaw pdog62 Pearle Pk0007 quancooper Raidernation2112 rockieme ronnie6969 RumRummy Scott2b Soso101 spamtown55912 spudmanmike Teacupgin Texhoss1 uglyjake VA_Master venator wad0004 walker1 |

$Ticket Tounaments

$Ticket Tounaments